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Non-lethal ways to remove raccoons from your property

Predator Guard raccoon peeking above from roof
Non-lethal ways to remove raccoons from your property

Raccoons are cute and fun to watch on YouTube videos, but there's a reason they're called thieves and burglars. Raccoons can do a lot of damage. They can rip up your trash, eat the produce out of your garden and cause additional problems. They could even potentially get into your house.

Like many mammals, raccoons can carry rabies. Raccoons are actually one of the top carriers of the disease. They typically don't live long once they have the infection, ranging from about one to three days. The Humane Society of the United States even offers some tips on how to spot a rabid raccoon.

Rabies isn't the only concern when it comes to diseases and raccoons. Roundworm can sometimes be in raccoon feces, which can "infect humans and pets." The bacteria leptospirosis is another concern that's found in "infected urine or contaminated soil and water." As you can see, raccoons aren't something you want to mess around with. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to deter raccoons without killing them. (Side note: call the authorities if you encounter a raccoon with rabies.)

There are three steps to getting rid of raccoons. First, you need to remove anything that attracts them. For example, make sure they can't get into your trash can and you don't have accessible pet food. You may even want to put away bird feeders before nightfall. Nuts and produce can also attract raccoons, so do your best to keep your yard clear and your produce contained. Raccoons will eat fish, birds and small mammals - so make sure they don't have access to your pond or livestock like chickens.

The next step is figuring out where raccoons are coming into your property. Once you pinpoint their entryways, do what you can to fix the damage and prevent access to these locations. Again, making sure your trash cans aren't accessible by securing the lids. Also, be sure to check the fence around your garden for any patches that need fixing. Basically, review your property and look for areas where raccoons are getting in or causing damage.

The third step is to choose the proper control method. When you learn what is attracting the raccoons to your property, it can help you choose the right control method. Repelling wild animals typically isn't a quick fix. It may take a few days or even weeks to see results. Try starting out with a few methods like scaring and repelling. If those methods don't work you can move to live traps. You can shop repellents, deterrents, live traps and even electric fencing on our website. We're here to help protect your property and animals.